We support multi-disciplinary science and engineering teams through various research and development endeavors, e.g.:
We provide analysis & advising, & product development methodology for small businesses & startups, e.g.,:
- Technical writing to develop an Operational Concept Document for ONR-funded Project Simpson, an autonomous Casualty Evacuation System
- Human Subjects Research support to the Test & Evaluation team on a DARPA-funded project to study Computer-Human interactions in hacking
- Science research and technical advising for Project Lupo, a NASA-funded holographic technology capable of 3D, tangible display
- The full-scale development of an adaptive training tool for Naval Submariners
- Analytical assessment of autonomous robot, and human-robot interaction performances on given tasks
- Analytical assessment of surgical tasks performed shipboard and under duress, in variable sea states
- The potential to effectively corroborate cognitive efficiency and physiological metrics to assess the state of readiness (fitness for duty) to perform in complex operational environments
- Business analysis, operation strategy & methodology for a local flower shop, She Loves Me
- Science research & technical advising for the design & development of a fertility insurance product, Fertiquity